Monday, March 5, 2012

the other day...

I signed up to run the Sydney Morning Herald Half marathon.
To answer your question: no I'm not crazy.

The last time I was really serious about running, I was getting in trouble for wearing nail polish at school and stressing out about what to wear to the disco the follwing week.

However, I will be running 21km on May 20th this year. 21km is almost the distance I drive to work every day. That scares the crap out of me.

Don't worry about me though - Can Too is helping to train my body and my mind to run the half marathon.

In return, I will raise valuable funds that go directly towards funding cancer researchers through Cure Cancer Australia.

I was first introduced to Can Too through my most awesome friend Anna-Louise.

For the last few years she has been raising funds for Cure Cancer

whilst doing 2km ocean swims in wild seas and running half marathons.

This year i finally gave in, and signed up for Can Too with her.

I was so nervous because i have never run further than 9km, but even though i am only

in my 4th week of training, i have every confidence that i will finish the entire 21km.

Everyone in my Can Too running group is so supportive and inspiring that it is very

difficult not to leave training smiling - even after running 4 or 5km in the pouring rain.

Below are some photos of my journey so far:

can too fundraising cupcakes (made by yours truly)

last saturday group photo
proof that we trained in the rain!
after running 6 or big deal
so much energy after running a 5km time trial!
why all the orange you ask?
well, if you are going to run a half marathon and raise money
for cancer - you want to be noticed!

if you want to sponser me, or find out more about why i am doing this, click this link: